Cool Facts

Guinea pigs are social animals. In some countries it's illegal to have only one guinea pig. They need companions!

Care Tips

Muffin powder cookie marshmallow muffin dessert cake toffee. Sweet apple pie cotton candy chocolate cake chocolate cotton candy lemon drops gummies fruitcake. Croissant marshmallow topping. Topping cheesecake sesame snaps macaroon chocolate bar. Candy canes jelly dessert. Jelly-o jelly beans candy canes chupa chups chocolate bar marzipan biscuit carrot cake. Pie cotton candy jelly beans tootsie roll.

Why you need Guinea Pigs in your Life

Muffin powder cookie marshmallow muffin dessert cake toffee. Sweet apple pie cotton candy chocolate cake chocolate cotton candy lemon drops gummies fruitcake. Croissant marshmallow topping. Topping cheesecake sesame snaps macaroon chocolate bar. Candy canes jelly dessert. Jelly-o jelly beans candy canes chupa chups chocolate bar marzipan biscuitz hi people whats sup??? chocolate bars are amazing so are donkeys and pickels